

Billions have faded and gone before you since Adam
Some never living a life beyond the womb
And others enduring a life of nine hundred years:
All of us living the span our Creator has given.

But now, having been at your side while you were fading
Your portion of my particular world
Was on the horizon eclipsing all else
But your precious faltering breath,
Breathing steadily;
But O, the intervals:



Should Scripture be brought to your ear
As you leaned more stiffly on my arm?
Should it come now, as reminder?
For underneath the mask on your face
Was a new smile, beyond our Now.
Speech would be interruption, to what was going on.
We were no longer alone.
The Presence of God was filling the room, more and more;
And although you were carried away, the Joy has never left.
Though darkness may intrude in time of learning
It is there.

Praise and Thanksgiving to our Creator forever.

Copyright 2012 by Frances F. Morrisson
Glimpses of Life and Eternity is available from Amazon.Com.
